Tesla begins offering Model 3 and Model Y IRA-adjusted pricing plans. – Tesla Maison

Recent Tesla activities indicate that they are making strenuous efforts to promote their vehicles as widely as possible. On their official websites, Tesla has highlighted estimated costs for both their Model 3 and Model Y cars along with incentives provided under the Inflation Reduction Act; Twitter has also launched similar efforts.

Tesla's Model 3 sedan page and Model Y cross-over page emphasize their eligibility for the $7,500 IRA tax credit, listing prices after deducting this credit from purchase prices of vehicles on order pages - this could make the cars even more affordable than initially imagined!

Tesla took an innovative approach on Twitter by emphasizing their eligibility for a full $7,500 federal credit on all new Model 3 sedans and cross-overs purchased. According to Tesla, with federal incentives included, their Model 3 starts at only $32,450 while taking into account fuel and maintenance costs it could easily fall below 30k according to them.

Customers eligible for state and local incentives could make the car even cheaper; Tesla estimates that these incentives can bring the price as low as $20,000.

Tesla's efforts to increase awareness of its vehicles' affordable pricing is certainly commendable, and some members of the EV Community have asked Tesla to do the same with those outside of its social media bubble and bubble of car buyers who believe Teslas to be luxury vehicles reserved only for wealthy car buyers; although this perception exists for models S and X cars, models 3 & Y models are much more accessible options for most buyers.

Tesla's decision to advertise vehicle prices while offering incentives has drawn mixed reactions among EV community participants. Some have pointed out that listing actual purchase prices of both Model 3 and Y would provide more clarity; not all car buyers qualify for federal or state incentives.

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