Tesla is preparing to ramp up production of 4680 batteries in California – Tesla Maison
Tesla is set to expand production of 4680 batteries in Fremont, California. Tesla recently signed a lease agreement for a facility which will produce essential battery technology that will help produce 4680 cells.

Business Times reported that sources familiar with the situation said Tesla had signed a lease for an advanced manufacturing facility at Prologis industrial real estate trust, to support production of 4680 battery cells at its new production line.

Tesla increased production of 4680 cells by tripling since Q3 2022 compared to Q3 2021, according to Elon Musk and other Tesla board members, who discussed this increase at their earnings conference for Q3 2022.

Elon stated, "Yes, the [4680] ramp goes well." Since last quarter, production output has more than tripled and production should surpass 1,000 car cells per quarter this quarter. Zach Kirkhon reported that focus has now shifted away from ramping production up towards cost reduction and capacity expansion within North America - something Elon had also mentioned as well.

Tesla recently clarified that their production of 4680 cells will not alter their use of 2170 cells, according to Elon Musk and Tesla respectively. They plan to continue testing different cell sizes and chemical compositions; in addition to working with Panasonic Energy Solutions and LG Energy Solutions.

At the end of 2016, Tesla reached a weekly capacity of 1,080 4680 cells for production through their Giga Nevada project. Tesla intends to increase this figure to 100GWh within their 4680 production line by expanding production with this project.

"Our long-term objective is to produce over 1,000 gigawatts-hours of cell production internally while continuing our self-cell provider partnership. Yes, we will continue partnering with external cell suppliers as demand for lithium-ion batteries remains almost inexhaustible; by employing both internal and externally produced cells more rapidly we believe we can scale up much quicker", stated Elon Musk during Q4 2022 quarterly earnings call.

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